
Listening to Your Dog

Big TommyWhy you should listen to your dog

Listening to your dog means your dog is listening to you—it’s as simple as that. If one of you is not listening, there cannot be a good two-sided communication level. It is more like we have with our children, “Uh huh…yes, I hear you.” But our mind is halfway across the world as we watch our soaps.

5 Great Dog Breeds for the South

For those of you that have even a cursory knowledge of dog breeds, the word “working” and “dog” make us think of the breed group, such as the Hunting Group, the Toy Group, etc. The working dogs I am talking about today are not going to be limited to those breeds that are in the Working Group.


Dog Diseases Infectious to Humans

This is not intended to discourage you from owning a pet dog, but to inform you about the responsibilities you have to your pooch and to your family and friends. There are infectious dog diseases that can kill your doggie and can pose real danger to you and your friends and family too. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, humans can contract bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infection from their four-legged best friend – if proper pet care and hygiene is absent.


How to Get a Free Dog

There are ways of getting a dog 
without paying a lot of money for them...
but 'buyer beware'. 
Too often, you get what you 'paid' for. You might be getting someone else's problems. 

 S t e p

1. Go to a local breeder or a friend or family member who is breeding and look at the puppies.
2. Let the breeder know you really love the puppy and that you are serious about getting a puppy.
3. Tell them that you can't afford the puppy and ask if they could lower the price.
4. If they say no try another breeder or if you really want THAT puppy you will find the money to buy it.
5. If no breeders will lower the price try the pound they may not sell puppies but you will save a dogs life and they are very cheap, you may not get the dog for free but if you really want the dog then you will buy it and there not very much at all.
6. Don't get upset if you can't find a dog for free or cheap just wait until you can afford one.