
Brucellosis in Dogs.


What  You  Should  Know  About  Brucellosis  in  Dogs
 There are some diseases that can affect both you and your dog. Brucellosis is one such bacterial infection that can cause problems for us and our dogs, but the effects are completely different. Though it’s not too common, it is definitely worth knowing the facts about Brucellosis, just in case your best friend ever contracts it.
In dogs, the bacteria Brucella canis is transmitted through breeding and contact with aborted fetuses and manifests none of the human symptoms, which include fever, headaches, back pain and sweats. Humans usually contract it through unpasteurized milk and certain soft cheeses; however, the disease can also be contracted by humans who come into contact with birthing fluids or any aborted tissue of dogs. Dogs contract it through breeding or coming into contact with the same fluids or aborted tissue. So here are a few facts that may interest you if you want puppies one day.

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The good news is that Brucellosis (also called Contagious Abortion and Undulant Fever) is rare. In the United States, only about 6% of dogs contract it, but no breed is immune. It is more common in stray and feral dogs that travel in packs or dogs that spend a lot of time in kennels, and is less common in pets, especially if you neuter or spay your dog at a young age.

Cuddle Buddies
What It Affects
If your dog does happen to contract Brucella canis, common infected areas include the genitals and lymphatic system, but infection can spread to the eyes, kidney and even invertebral disc.The most common symptom is abortion in female dogs, usually during the seventh to ninth week of pregnancy. A gray-green discharge usually follows the abortion and can be a problem for up to six weeks. In males, the tell-tale signs include scrotal and testicular inflammation. The infected dog’s lymph nodes will probably be swollen and the spleen is usually enlarged.


Diagnosis, How To Treat, and Outlook
Cat and Dog 2
Whenever a female has a late-term abortion or stillbirth, Brucellosis should be considered as a possible cause. Additionally, when a male shows signs of epididymitis (discomfort or pain in the curved tube at the back of the testicles) and or his testicles begin to atrophy, these could be signs. It can become harder to diagnose, because some dogs will show no signs except enlarged lymph nodes.
Veterinarians treat this condition in dogs the same as doctors do in humans, with long-term antibiotics. It’s not a difficult disease to treat, but there is no vaccine and there is no cure. Even though many cases disappear, many other cases relapse.
Control and containment yields better results than treatment. Neutering and spaying and keeping dogs in separate cages helps prevent spreading.Though the condition can relapse, 
 death in infected dogs is extremely rare. It can, however, lead to permanent infertility.


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Where It’s Found
Reported cases have come from the United States, Canada, Central & South America, European Countries, Tunisia, Nigeria, Madagascar, Malaysia, India, Korea, Japan and China. Judging from the range of countries, public health officials assume Brucella canis is found all over the world, but lack of evidence suggests New Zealand and Australia do not have the disease at all.
So while Bucellosis probably won’t be a huge concern, it never hurts to know more about potential health threats and things to watch out for in the event that you want to breed your dog. Healthy dogs and puppies are just as important as healthy people. Catie Keeler is the primary researcher and writer for mortgagerates.info. Her most recent accomplishments include graduating from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill with a degree in business and communications. Her current focus for the site involves wireless network monitors and mortgage rates.

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 CategoryPets and Animals → Dogs and Dog Breeds →Dog Health


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